Made for This
*Be sure to read all the way through for a free gift at the end!
“I don’t know what I am even doing.” Have you muttered this lately? Today maybe?
If you’re a mama, you are probably familiar with feeling like you are never enough. Constantly questioning your ability and wondering if you should give up altogether. There is a continual struggle between desperately wanting to be everything your littles need and giving in to defeat and checking out altogether.
And you are exhausted from all of it.
I get it, and I definitely identify with every one of those feelings too.
Here’s the deal; satan, the great deceiver, likes to magnify our struggles (and he is so good at it) and convince us that we’ll never be good enough. But Jesus, the God who created us, whispers that we are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ (Psalm 139:14) and that His ‘strength is made perfect in weakness’ (2 Corinthians 12:9).
A favorite verse of mine is Esther 4:14. “...and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther was being encouraged that just maybe she was created and providentially put in place as queen for this exact moment; to save her people even though she could potentially lose her life in doing so (spoiler alert, she lived and the book of Esther is an amazing book to read!).
There was a potentially impossible task in front of her but just maybe this impossible task was what she was made for.
Or in the ‘Sarah version’:
”Mama, you were made for this“
We have the impossible task of being broken parents, parenting broken children in a very broken world.
But Mama, you were made to do this!
The all-knowing, perfect creator did not just create you, but He created you for your child. He created you and placed your child in your arms because you are the mama they need to shepherd their little heart.
And who better to cry out to than the one that created both you and your child? (This is a lesson that I am learning so, so often these days).
Your greatest defense to fight through your brokenness as a mama is calling out to the one who created you. The one who knows you better than you know yourself and loves you anyway.
And your greatest defense in parenting your littles is calling out to the one who created them.
Prayer does not activate God, He is already working in ways that you cannot even imagine. Prayer simply aligns your heart with His (removes your pride so you can see your children for who He made them), is an avenue of praise for what He has and will do (He has already worked so many miracles in your heart and for your family), and gives you the strength to trust Him even when you don’t see a way through (parenting is so hard, and our world is so broken, but He is still on the throne and is the Overcomer).
So pray. Take all your insecurities and fears to God. He already knows them and loves you despite them. His strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Cor 12:9) and when we finally give up trying to be everything and rest wholly in Him, we give Him space to show up in a mighty way.
Our struggles may feel huge, and some of you are walking through hardships that are so heavy. But your willingness to show up day after exhausting day showcases God’s strength and love for us despite this broken and fallen world we live in.
Just keep going, mama. You were made to be a praying mama.
I created this phone background as a reminder that I was made to be their mama. And I’m sharing it here with you. Just enter your email and it will automatically be delivered right to your inbox (and I promise not to spam you…nobody has time for that).
There are two versions “Made to be Mama” and “...and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” -Esther 4:14”.
You were made for this, mama.
Keep being who God made you to be and don’t stop praying.